Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Patience. If there is one way that I wish I could be defined as, then patient would be it! This is one quality that I lack. I often examine myself and ask why? Why can't I wait a few more seconds while my curious 3 year old gets distracted while putting on her coat? Why do I get so uptight going through the nightly bedtime routine? Why do I so often feel so tense when dealing with my children, especially the last few minutes before leaving the house to go anywhere? Why do my children have to pull out EVERYTHING in a room when they play? My answer to these questions can be summed up very simply... I lack patience. This is not something that makes me happy at all. I truly desire to be more laid back and easy going. I truly wish I was simply more patient and calm. I bought a plaque and hung it on the wall in our kitchen that says "relax!" I was hoping it would be a daily reminder to not get so worked up over little things and to be more patient as a result. Well... unfortunately it has not been very successful!!

I remember as a child my mother telling me to count to 10. I absolutely HATED when she told me to do that!!! As an adult, I can see how this simple act of taking a few seconds and regaining self control might be beneficial. I realize that I do not have the ability to act patiently on my own. I am so thankful for a great High Priest that made the ultimate and final sacrifice on my behalf. He came to the Earth to live perfectly, to obey all of God's laws, to fulfill the requirements that God requires of His people. Jesus had no problem with patience. He is the perfect example of patience. When he walked and talked with his disciples and they didn't understand what He was saying, He simply continued to faithfully teach them. I am sure that I would have grabbed Peter by the shirt and shook him and said don't you get it???? Don't you see??? But not our Lord, He patiently taught and lived amongst them until the appropriate time for the disciples to see.

Oh that I could be more like Jesus. Ultimately I never will, this side of heaven. So while here, I must rely on the daily grace of God. I must remember how patient He is with me when I daily sin. Counting to 10 gives me 10 seconds to refocus my mind and pray for patience to be gentle with my children and others that I come in contact with daily. I must extend the same grace to them that has been extended to me. Thank you Lord that you are nothing but patient with me. I am truly grateful.

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